
Encourage troubled sister to seek strength from God

“I wish I could help my sister. Her husband just left her for another woman, and it’s really depressing her. I’ve tried to cheer her up by saying it’s best since he never treated her well, anyway, but this hasn’t helped. What can I do? ”

You can still serve God in an assisted living center

“I feel so useless. I used to be very active in my church, but I’m old now and confined to an assisted living facility, and I can’t do anything. Sometimes I can’t see any reason for living, but I guess God doesn’t see it that way or He’d take me to heaven. ”

Running from God leads to a dead end

“My aunt says I’m running from God, but I don’t agree. I’m just having a good time, and some day, if I feel like it, I’ll turn to God. Why won’t she stop bugging me, telling me I need Jesus and saying she’s praying for me, and all that?”

God spared your life for a reason

“I escaped with only minor injuries from a bad car wreck a few months ago. Did God have something to do with this, like one of my friends says, or was I just lucky? I’ve never thought about questions like this before.”

Seek out other Christians on campus for support

“By the time you get this I’ll be in college, and I’m nervous about school. It’ll be my first time away from home, and I know I’ll face lots of temptations. I’m not sure I’m strong enough to resist them. I guess I’ve lived kind of a sheltered life. What if I can’t handle the pressures at school? Pray for me.”

Christ can quell your selfish spirit and make you more patient

“Is impatience a sin? If so I’m in deep trouble, because I’m not a patient person. It’s probably one reason why my first marriage went down the drain. I know I need to change, but I’m not sure I can. I guess it’s just the way I’m made.”

Don't overlook the dangers of unbridled ambition

“Is it wrong to be ambitious and want to get ahead in your career? I have to admit I’ve always had a strong desire to be successful, and I really work at it. But maybe I’m wrong, and Jesus doesn’t want us to be successful. ”

With faith in Christ, we need not fear the end of the world

“How will the world end? Will it gradually get colder and colder until life finally flickers out and dies, or will Earth suddenly come to an end because of some catastrophe (such as an asteroid hitting it)? Or maybe we’ll destroy ourselves. Does the Bible say anything about this?”

If God has forgiven us, why should we feel guilty?

“I believe Jesus has forgiven me, but I still feel guilty. I haven’t committed any crimes or done anything seriously wrong, but I still feel burdened by this nagging feeling that I don’t measure up. What’s wrong?”

Don't let past mistakes keep you from seeking God

“I’m a single mom with a couple of small children. I know I’ve messed up my life big time, but I don’t know what to do about it. Is there hope for me? I know you’ll say I need God, and I probably do, but I’d feel out of place going to church.”