
Never believe the lie that you are useless!

“The holidays were really bad for me, because my company laid off a number of employees (including me) just a few weeks before Christmas. I’ll get unemployment benefits and all that, but I feel so useless and depressed. You’ll probably tell me to pray, but I don’t even feel like it. What should I do? ”

God is anxious to help you overcome alcoholism

“Both my parents were alcoholics. I always swore I’d never go down that path, but now I’m afraid I have. What’s wrong with me? I know alcohol will destroy me, but I can’t seem to stop, no matter how many times I say I’m going to. Can God help me?”

Pray for cousin who refuses to acknowledge God

“My cousin wants nothing to do with God. If he were a bad person or had messed up his life, then maybe he’d realize he needs God. But he’s not this way, and he just laughs at me and says he doesn’t see any reason to bother with God. How can I convince him otherwise?”

Spiritual development needs nurturing

“Are some people just naturally religious? If so, I must not be one of them. Faith is a struggle for me, and no matter how hard I try to be spiritually-minded, I just don’t seem to be able to make it.”

While food is a blessing, overeating can be harmful

“My doctor keeps getting after me because of my weight, but I’ve told him that my parents always enjoyed eating and it didn’t seem to hurt them any. And anyway, isn’t good food a gift from God? Why shouldn’t we enjoy it?”

The best resolution you can make is to walk with God every day

“I’ve never made any New Year’s resolutions before, because I knew I wouldn’t keep them. But several months ago I committed my life to Jesus. Now that I’m a believer, what would be some good resolutions for me to make as I begin a new year?”

Make Jesus part of your life at Christmas – and all year long

“I’m afraid we gave up trying to teach our children the real meaning of Christmas this year. We had good intentions, but we got busy and they were interested in other things, so Jesus kind of got left out. What can we do differently next year?”

Christmas is a time for rejoicing – that Christ has come!

“A family in our apartment complex comes from a country with very few Christians, and yet they told us their stores are full of Santa Clauses, Christmas decorations and holiday sales. They didn’t even realize Christmas is supposed to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Could this happen here?”