
Is looking at pornography wrong in God's eyes?

“Is looking at pornography wrong in God’s eyes? I admit I’ve gotten hooked on it through the Internet (which my wife doesn’t know about) but I’m not sure I see anything wrong with it. Do you?”

Is suicide the unpardonable sin?

“My cousin had very serious emotional problems most of her life, and finally they overwhelmed her and she committed suicide. I firmly believe she was a Christian, but did she lose her salvation by doing this? Is suicide the unpardonable sin?”

When were the angels created?

“When were the angels created? Or have they always existed, just like God has? I've never seen an angel, and probably never will, but I believe they exist and they do watch over us.”

The Bible doesn't tell us we have to vote, does it?

“I know everyone says we ought to vote in the elections that are coming up in a few months, but I'm tired of all the political conflict and I don't see any point in voting. After all, the Bible doesn't tell us we have to vote, does it?”

Why do churches keep asking for money all the time?

“Why do churches keep asking for money all the time? Frankly, it turns me off and I think it does the same to lots of others. If people want to give that's fine, but I don't think they ought to be talked into giving money.”