
See God's wisdom when facing problems

“I don’t think we have to look to God to find out how to deal with our problems. After all, hasn’t He given us the ability to deal with them on our own? We just need to use our minds and approach our problems logically to find the answers. ”

Go to church prepared to meet Jesus!

“I know I shouldn’t be this way, but I just don’t get anything out of church. About half way through the service, I’ll often fall asleep, even with my wife poking me in the ribs. I’d probably quit going if I could. Any suggestions?”

Be patient and loving toward 'difficult' people

“What’s the best way to deal with difficult people? I know my sister hasn’t had a very easy life, but the main reason is because she’s so hard to get along with. She’s coming to visit us in a few weeks, and I honestly dread it.”

The future is in God's benevolent hands

“Are computers going to take over the world? I’m too old to understand them, I guess, but I worry because computers seem to be able to do just about anything. ”

It's time to abandon your distorted view of God

“My parents always told me I needed to be good, because God was constantly watching and would punish me if I did anything wrong. I know I’m supposed to love God, but I don’t. Can you understand why I feel like this?”

Ask God to help you focus on a hopeful future

“I don’t think it’s possible to avoid hating someone who’s deeply hurt you. My ex-husband betrayed me and hurt me far beyond what any human being should have to take, and I admit it: I hate him. Why shouldn’t I? ”

Don't underestimate the wages of sin

“Why should I be held responsible for what Adam and Eve did thousands of years ago? I know the Bible says they sinned and were judged as a result, but why should God judge me for what they did?”

Our sin has corrupted God's perfect world

“Can God make mistakes? I suppose you’ll say He can’t, but why not? I wonder about this when I see how messed up the world is. Maybe God didn’t quite get it right when He created the earth.”

Salvation isn't a game of chance!

“Now that I’m older, I think about heaven all the time, but I’m afraid I won’t go there when I die. I know I haven’t been perfect, so maybe God won’t let me in. How can I know? Or do I have to wait until I die?”