
What do you think hell will be like?

“I know people ask you from time to time what you think heaven is like, but I'd also be interested to know what you think hell will be like. I have a friend who says he's looking forward to hell, because all his friends will be there and they'll have one big party. He's not right, is he?”

How can I keep my prayers from being so selfish?

“How can I keep my prayers from being so selfish? It seems like every time I pray, I find myself asking God to do something for me, and I know I shouldn't be like that. Does God even hear prayers like that?”

Is it ever right to be angry at someone?

“Is it ever right to be angry at someone? Maybe I shouldn't feel this way, but my brother did something dishonest to me several years ago that cost me a great deal of money, and I haven't spoken to him since. Why shouldn't we be angry when someone wrongs us?”

Do you think God has a plan for every person's life?

“Do you think God has a plan for every person's life? I find that kind of hard to believe. There are so many people in the world and I don't see how He could keep track of them all. Why would He care what they did anyway?”