
Don't Hold Onto Your Guilt Any Longer

“If God forgives us, then why can’t we seem to forgive ourselves? I’ve hurt a lot of people over the years, and I’ll never stop feeling guilty. I’ve even stayed away from some people because of what I did to them years ago. Is it ever possible to forgive ourselves?”

Seek the Approval of God Rather Than the Crowd

“God must be very disappointed in me. I really believe in Jesus and want to do what’s right, but when I get around other people, I start acting just like they do instead of the way Jesus wants me to. Why am I such a weak person?”

Elderly Mother Needs Your Prayers and Practical Help

“We’re facing some hard decisions about my mother. She’s getting more feeble and confused, and we don’t think she ought to be living alone. But we have a very small house and just don’t have room to take her in. To make things worse, she refuses to admit she even needs help. What should we do?”

God Put Us Here For a Purpose

“I saw a survey the other day claiming that some of the most prosperous countries in the world are also the least religious. Do you think that’s true? Why is it? ”

Rejection of God is Not a Strong Foundation for Marriage

“My boyfriend and I are beginning to get serious, but he doesn’t want anything to do with God. He even gets angry if I suggest we go to church together. My faith is important to me. Do you think he’ll come around if we get married?”

You Can Inspire Complainer to be More Positive and Hopeful

“Why do some people always complain about things, no matter how insignificant they are? My cousin is like this, and I admit I get tired of listening to her. Is it just her personality? I wish she was a happier person, but I don’t know how to help her.”

Mission Trip Could Completely Change Your Life

“I’m going on a mission trip with my church youth group this summer. We’ll be serving in a village in a very poor country, helping to put a roof on their church and doing some Bible programs for children. Do you have any advice?”

Ask God to Show You His Plans, Not Bless Your Dreams

“All my life I’ve wanted to be a music star. I even went to Nashville last year hoping to make it big in country music. I begged God to let this happen but it didn’t. Now, I’m wondering what’s next. Why did God let me down?”