
Replace Jealousy With Love

“My sister’s husband is very successful, and I can’t help but be jealous over all the nice things she has and the fun things they’re able to do. Is it wrong for me to be jealous like this?”

God Can Help You Cope With Adversity

“I’ve been going through some hard times recently, and a few weeks ago a friend urged me to turn to God and give my life to Jesus. Well, I went ahead and did this, but what happens now? Is He going to take away all my problems?”

God Graces us With His Kindness, Love and Mercy

“I don’t know much about religion, but I’ve heard people talk about the grace of God and I’m wondering what this means. We talk about people like athletes being graceful, but I don’t see how that would apply to God.”

Prayer and Meditation are Very Different

“Is meditation the same thing as prayer? I have a friend who says she meditates a lot and finds it helpful, but when I asked her if this meant she was actually praying, she wasn’t able to give me a clear answer. ”

Pray for Friend Who Now Rejects Christ

“My best friend when I was growing up always claimed to be a Christian and was active in his church, but now says he’s turned his back on Jesus and doesn’t want anything to do with God. Why do you suppose he did this?”

Despite Past Sins, You Can Build a Better Future With Christ

“I started selling drugs to get out of debt, thinking I could do it quietly and not get in trouble. Now I’m in prison, and I’ve wrecked my life and my marriage. Please warn people not to do what I did. I wish someone had warned me.”

Read the Bible Slowly, and in Segments

“I’ve tried several times to read the Bible, but I’ve finally given up. It’s just too big and too confusing. Maybe it’s just for preachers and Bible teachers and people like that. I know I sure haven’t gotten anything out of it.”

Satan Never Delivers What He Promises

“Do some people actually worship the devil? I can’t imagine that. Are they just trying to get attention, or are they serious about it? Why would anyone deliberately serve the devil instead of God? It doesn’t make sense. ”