
Do you think the Internet is evil?

“Do you think the Internet is evil? It seems like it has opened the door to so many bad things (like identity theft and pornography) that I'm beginning to wonder if we wouldn't be better off without it.”

What does it take to get into heaven?

“What does it take to get into heaven? I admit I've never thought about it very much, but recently I had a bad health scare and it really got me to thinking.”

What does God look like?

“What does God look like? Our 5-year-old son keeps asking this and I don’t know what to tell him. I have an idea in my mind of what God must be like—kind of elderly and with a long beard—but I know that’s probably something I just made up.”

Why do so many churches have problems and conflicts?

“Why do so many churches have problems and conflicts? In our case, it comes from older members who don’t want to welcome some of the new people who’ve moved into our area, but it could be almost anything. Why is this?”