If You Want to See God, Look at Jesus
“Why are there so many religions in the world? I’d like to find out about God, but I don’t know where to start looking. Do all religions lead to God?”
“Why are there so many religions in the world? I’d like to find out about God, but I don’t know where to start looking. Do all religions lead to God?”
“I think you can prove almost anything from the Bible, if you just try. All you have to do is find a verse that says what you want it to say, and then use it to defend your own crazy ideas. I don’t think the Bible is of any use.”
“This summer, someone in my class (I’ll be in sixth grade this fall) died of leukemia. Why did God let this happen? I miss her very much. I just don’t understand. Was God punishing her for something she did wrong?”
“As a child, my parents told me I should always pray before I go to sleep, but now I’m often so tired that I drop off almost immediately. Am I offending God by not praying at the end of the day, like I was taught? ”
“Neither my husband nor I grew up in religious homes, but recently a couple came to our door to talk with us about their faith. They were friendly and the literature they left got us to thinking, but how do we know if they’re right?”
“My aunt never has had much to do with religion, but I always hoped she’d begin thinking about God as she grew older. That hasn’t happened, although she doesn’t have long to live. Shouldn’t she be worrying about what will happen to her when she dies?”
“I’m older and not in very good health, and it’s getting harder and harder for me to get around. Is it wrong for me to just watch our church’s service on TV? I miss seeing my friends, but it’s very difficult for me to make it to church now, especially since I gave up driving.”
“What do you think is the greatest threat to world peace today? There are so many problems in the news that I can’t help but wonder if there’s much hope for the future.”
“How many apostles were there? I had always heard 12, but then someone told me Paul was also an apostle, although he didn’t follow Jesus until later. I guess it doesn’t really matter, but I’ve always been curious about things in the Bible.”
“After college, I ended up taking what I thought was a temporary job, and five years later I’m still in it. Why hasn’t God given me something exciting, instead of a job I don’t really care about? ”
“I’ve always heard about the Ten Commandments, but where can I find them? Are they in the Bible? I’m embarrassed to ask this, but I didn’t grow up in a religious family and I don’t know anything at all about the Bible or God, although I’d like to.”
“How do you know the Bible is true? Maybe some people just got together one day and made it all up. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a bunch of myths.”