
Hypocrites Need Prayer and Faith

“My neighbor is a really good person who’s always helping people and all that, but he won’t have anything to do with a church or with God because he says Christians are just a bunch of hypocrites. How can I answer him?”

Let God, Not Fortune Tellers, Guide Your Path

“I’m facing some hard decisions, so recently I went to a woman who claimed she could tell the future and give me some guidance by reading my palm. But what she said was kind of vague and not very helpful. Did I waste my money?”

Christ Can Comfort Families of Prisoners

“I know many prisoners write you, but could you say something to those of us who are family members of prisoners? It’s really hard on us, not only because we’re missing a family member, but because some people don’t want anything to do with us. Soon my husband will be out, but it’s been tough.”

Your Conscience is God-Given

“Do you think we have something inside us that tells us what’s right and wrong? I used to think so, but I work in our local police department and I’ve seen people do so many evil things that I’m beginning to wonder.”

Pray for Your College-Aged Children

“Our son just left to go back to college, and although I hate to admit it, it was a relief to see him go. He came home this summer with all sorts of strange ideas, and said he no longer believes in God. All we did was argue, but that didn’t get us anywhere. Any advice?”

Don't Fear the End of the World

“I’m 10 years old and I’d like to know how the world is going to end, according to the Bible. Will it be sudden, through atom bombs and things like that? Or will it happen slowly, through something like pollution?”

The Devil, Although Often Disguised, Is Very Real

“Does the Bible tell us what the devil looks like? We see cartoon images of the devil, with a red suit, forked tail and all that, but would we recognize him if he appeared? I’ve always been curious about this.”

Drug Abuse Blinds Us to Its Consequences

“Maybe I’m just from a different generation, but why on earth would any young person turn to drugs? Don’t they know they’re endangering their lives and may even destroy them? It doesn’t make sense.”

God is Present in Our Problems

“Will all my problems go away if I turn to God? I’ve had a couple of people say this to me, but I have a hard time believing it. I’m not sure it even works for them, if they’re honest about it.”

Evidence of God's Existence

“I have a lot of questions about God, but my aunt tells me not to think about them and just have faith. But how can I have faith in something, when I don’t even know if it exists?”

Only Christ Will Never Fail or Forsake Us

“I’ve become very disillusioned recently because it seems like almost everyone I’ve looked up to has turned out to be two-faced or corrupt—celebrities, sports figures, politicians, you name it. Can anyone be trusted today?”

Call on Christ Now, Before It's Too Late

“Since one of the men who was crucified with Jesus turned to Him at the last minute and was saved, why I can’t I do the same? I’m having too much fun to be a Christian now, but why can’t I turn to Jesus when I’m about to die and still go to heaven?”