
Does God ever give up on some people? I have a cousin who just laughs whenever anyone starts talking about God, and he says he'll just take his chances when it comes time to die. Several of us in our family pray for him regularly but he looks like a hopeless case to me.

“Does God ever give up on some people? I have a cousin who just laughs whenever anyone starts talking about God, and he says he'll just take his chances when it comes time to die. Several of us in our family pray for him regularly but he looks like a hopeless case to me.”

I know Christmas is still some weeks away, but I'm already getting uptight about it. It's always such a hectic time and we always end up spending far more than we planned to. To be honest, I don't really enjoy Christmas any more, although I know I ought to. Any suggestions?

“I know Christmas is still some weeks away, but I’m already getting uptight about it. It’s always such a hectic time and we always end up spending far more than we planned to. To be honest, I don’t really enjoy Christmas any more, although I know I ought to. Any suggestions?”

I wish I could be friendly and outgoing like other people are, but I've always been a very shy person, and whenever I get in a group I just clam up and don't say anything. Can God change my personality? Or is this the way I'll always be, because it's the way He made me?

“I wish I could be friendly and outgoing like other people are, but I've always been a very shy person, and whenever I get in a group I just clam up and don't say anything. Can God change my personality? Or is this the way I'll always be, because it's the way He made me?”

Was Jesus really dead when they placed Him in the tomb? I can accept most of what Christianity teaches, but to be honest the idea that someone came back from the dead is a bit hard for me to swallow. Maybe Jesus wasn't really dead, and He just recovered once His body was taken down from the cross.

“Was Jesus really dead when they placed Him in the tomb? I can accept most of what Christianity teaches, but to be honest the idea that someone came back from the dead is a bit hard for me to swallow. Maybe Jesus wasn't really dead, and He just recovered once His body was taken down from the cross.”