
Our son is planning to enlist in the military in a few months.

“Our son is planning to enlist in the military in a few months. I know we're supposed to believe God will take care of him, but right now we've got a bad case of nerves and our fears are a lot stronger than our faith. How can we get over this?”

What good would it do for me to just tell myself I'm not so bad after all?

“Those psychologists I watch on TV say we need to have a healthy self-image but they never say how to get one — at least not in a way that helps me. I admit I get down on myself and blame myself for everything, but what good would it do for me to just tell myself I'm not so bad after all?”

What did Jesus mean when He said we shouldn't judge other people?

“What did Jesus mean when He said we shouldn’t judge other people? I’ve a hard time with this, because I’m a businessman, and if I didn’t judge whether or not someone I was doing business with could be trusted, I’d be broke in a matter of months.”

We want to help, but how do we decide where we ought to give?

“We get mail all the time from organizations asking for money, and we just get confused. We want to help, but how do we decide where we ought to give? We can't support everything and we know our little bit doesn't make much difference anyway.”