What Billy Graham Is Most Thankful For
“I know you’ve lived a long life, and as you look back, what are some of the things for which you’re thankful? Is there anything you aren’t particularly thankful for?”
“I know you’ve lived a long life, and as you look back, what are some of the things for which you’re thankful? Is there anything you aren’t particularly thankful for?”
“It’s been a bad year for me. My husband died, I’ve been in and out of the hospital several times, and our children live far away and seldom visit. How can God possibly expect me to be thankful when so much has gone wrong?”
“I’m already dreading Christmas because there’s always so much to do, and I just get overwhelmed. I know it’s wrong, but in recent years I’ve even ended up hating Christmas. How can I get out of this trap?”
“Did the Thanksgiving holiday we celebrate every year come from the Bible, like Easter or Christmas did? I’ve always assumed this was the case, but someone told me recently they didn’t think so.”
“Every year some people we used to work with invite us for Thanksgiving. We always go, but to be honest we dread it. We hardly know anyone, and they usually end up arguing about politics or something. Would it be wrong to call at the last minute and say we’re sick, so we could have Thanksgiving on our own?”
“We’ve always looked forward to getting together with some friends for Thanksgiving. But this year our church is helping put on a special Thanksgiving meal at our local homeless shelter, and they’ve asked us to help. Would it be wrong for us to say no?”
“Why do some people drift away from God as they grow older? I grew up in a strong religious family that was very active in church, but somehow I got away from it, and I’m not sure why.”
“I know you often tell people in your column that God can help them with their problems, but how does He do it? Does He suddenly step in and solve everything if we ask Him to? It sure hasn’t happened with me.”
“A man I work with says religion is just for weak people who need an emotional crutch to get through life. He’s very self-confident and talented, but how can I convince him he also needs God?”
“Our neighbor claims to be a Christian, but he’s one of the grouchiest people I’ve ever met, and he’s just unpleasant to be around. Which is more important in God’s eyes—what we believe, or how we behave?”
“Who is responsible for all the bad things that happen in the world (like wars and crimes and things like that)? Are we responsible for them, or is the devil? ”
“I don’t have a problem with people who are religious; I know it’s probably a great comfort to them. But I’ve always been a very independent person, and religion has never been a part of my life. Why should it be for someone like me?”