How did Jesus' death make it possible for us to go to heaven?
“How did Jesus' death make it possible for us to go to heaven? I've never really understood how one man's death could give us eternal life.”
“How did Jesus' death make it possible for us to go to heaven? I've never really understood how one man's death could give us eternal life.”
“What is the main difference between earth and heaven — assuming heaven actually exists?”
“Why do you think most people still believe in some kind of life after death, even if they aren't particularly religious or don't think very much about it?”
“Our brother always told us he was going to wait until he was old to give his life to Jesus. That way (he said) he could have a good time but still end up in heaven. But now he's developed Alzheimer's and it's too late. Please warn people to give their lives to Jesus while they can, or they might end up like our brother has.”
“Some of my friends talk about being born again but I don't understand what they mean. I know it has something to do with Jesus, but I've never been religious and I guess I'm kind of in a fog. What exactly does it mean?”
“I feel guilty over some things I've done, and I've prayed and prayed for God to forgive me, but I guess He's not going to, is He?”
“I've heard preachers say that we won't be bored in heaven because God will have work for us to do there, but won't we get tired then? I thought heaven was supposed to be a place of rest.”
“My cousin has some serious emotional issues (including periods of depression) but he won’t get help. He says true Christians can’t be mentally ill, since God lives in their hearts. Is he right?”
“I don't see how anyone can take the Bible seriously, since it was written thousands of years ago and we know so much more today. Maybe it was OK for people then, but we live in a different world.”
“What does it mean to believe in Jesus? One of my friends says I need to believe in Jesus but I think I already do that. Am I missing something?”
“My brother never had any particular interest in religion, but recently he began listening to someone on TV who claims that if you just have enough faith, God will make you rich. I don't think that's in the Bible, but I hate to say anything negative about this for fear it'll turn him away from God. How should I handle this?”
“I thought that in time I’d get over our son’s death (in a car accident at the age of 19). But it’s been over a year now, and if anything I’m more broken up now than I was when it happened. Why is that? Why can’t I stop grieving?”