What do we know about Jesus' childhood?
“What do we know about Jesus' childhood? I started thinking about this during Christmas, because we give a lot of attention to Jesus' birth, but we never talk about what happened afterward.”
“What do we know about Jesus' childhood? I started thinking about this during Christmas, because we give a lot of attention to Jesus' birth, but we never talk about what happened afterward.”
“A few months ago, my nephew died in a car wreck, and it's really been hard for us to understand. He had a promising life ahead of him, and it just doesn't make any sense. Why do good people have to die? Some friends at the funeral told me God must have needed him in heaven, but that just upset me.”
“Do you think Jesus will come again this year? I've heard people say that the world is going to come to an end in 2012, and I've wondered if maybe they have some inside knowledge about Jesus' return.”
“I got a Bible from my aunt for Christmas, but when I started reading it I got all bogged down and after a few days I just quit. What am I doing wrong? I didn't grow up in a church or anything, so maybe that's the problem.”
“Christmas was horrible for me this year because I'm in prison and no one in my family even sent me a Christmas card. I knew they'd said they were washing their hands of me, but this really hurt. You'll probably say I need God, and maybe I do, but right now I can't see what difference it would make.”
“I don't know what's wrong with my husband and me. It's gotten to the point that we fight over everything, even when it's not particularly important. It wasn't like this at first. What's gone wrong, and can God somehow get us out of this?”
“I feel like I'm in a box, because I don't like my job and I don't particularly like the people I have to work with. I want to quit, but my wife says I shouldn't. Will God give me another job if I quit? He doesn't want me to be unhappy, does He?”
“We moved to a new city a few years ago so my husband could take a new job, but I'm afraid we got in over our heads financially. Not only did we buy a house whose value has gone down, but our old house hasn't sold and is sitting empty, and we're burdened with two mortgages. Would it be morally wrong for us to declare bankruptcy?”
“If most of the people in our country are Christians, then why do we have so many problems? Aren't Christians supposed to make the world a better place? I'm not a Christian myself, and to be honest, I can't see that it would make any difference if I were one.”
“No matter how well I do at something, my Dad tells me I should have done better. Just once I'd like to hear him compliment me, but he never does. Sometimes I wonder if he even loves me. Is God like this?”
“I'm graduating from college shortly, and I've already accepted a job that looks like a perfect fit. However, I can't get over the feeling that I might be making a mistake — although I don't know why. Would it do any good to ask God to show me if I'm making the right decision?”
“I feel all alone in the world. I have lots of people I know casually (like at work), but no one would miss me if I left town or died. Why did God make me so shy and unable to make friends?”