
Why Doesn't God Let Me Win the Lottery?

“Why doesn’t God let me win the lottery? It sure would solve my family’s financial problems, but so far I’ve won very little and I’m actually in the hole for the year.”

Are You Ready for Christ's Return?

“How bad is the world going to have to get before God finally steps in and Jesus comes back? I get very concerned when I see all the evil things that are happening in the world today. Are we living in the last times?”

Why Even Go to Church?

“My husband was transferred to a new city last year, but we’ve been busy and haven’t gotten around to looking for a church. But since he’s probably going to be transferred again in less than a year, why should we bother now? We’d barely get to know anyone.”

Jesus Is Our Standard

“ I’ve heard people say Jesus never sinned, but how do they know? I can’t imagine anyone resisting every temptation or being absolutely perfect. Even the best of us make mistakes.”

Set Aside Time for God and Grow

“I’d like to become a better Christian during the coming year, but how can I make it happen? Every year I make the same resolution, but when I look back at the end of the year it doesn’t seem like much has really changed.”

Make Jesus Your New Year's Resolution

“Every year I come up with a long list of New Year’s resolutions, but then I end up not keeping even one. I’m sincere when I make them, but then they somehow fall by the wayside as time passes. What’s my problem? God must be very disappointed in me.”

Celebrate the New Year Safely

“My brother died in a car wreck last New Year’s Eve. He’d been to a party and had too much to drink, and he ended up killing not only himself but also the two passengers in his car. Please urge people not to drink and drive. It just isn’t worth it.”

God Can Lift the Burden of Past Sin

“Many years ago I stole a little money from my company. It didn’t bother me much then, but recently I’ve felt very guilty over this. But I don’t know how to make it right, because the company is no longer in business. Should I just try to forget it?”

Jesus Is the Only Way to Heaven

“Where is Heaven? Do you think we might be able to reach Heaven with a rocket? I want to be an astronaut when I grow up and go there. I am eight years old.”

Pray for Your Spiritually Wayward Children

“We’re in shock because our son came home from college for Thanksgiving and announced he didn’t believe in God anymore. He even refused to go to church with us. Where did we go wrong? What can we do?”

We Should Celebrate Jesus Every Day

“I heard a preacher say that we shouldn’t celebrate Christmas once a year, but should celebrate it every day. What do you suppose he meant by this? Was he saying we shouldn’t celebrate the Christmas holidays?”