I've heard people talk about knowing God personally, but what does that mean? I believe in God and try to live a good life, but when I think of God, I imagine Him being way up there, not someone near me.
One of life’s greatest truths is that we can come to know God in a personal way. God doesn’t just want us to know about Him; He wants us to know Him personally! Jesus said, “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3).
Think of it this way. I notice from your letter that you are married. At one time, you’d probably only heard about the man who eventually became your husband. Then you met him, and over time you got to know him personally — and finally you committed yourselves to each other as you took your marriage vows and became husband and wife. Now you no longer know about him; you actually know him in a deeply personal way.
The same is true with God. Right now, you only know about Him. But God loves you and wants you to get to know Him and commit your life to Him — and when you do, you’ll know Him personally, because He will come to live within you by His Spirit.
By a simple prayer of faith turn to Christ, confessing your sins and asking Him to come into your life. Then thank Him that you now belong to Him, and He is with you every day. God’s promise is for you: Nothing “in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).
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