Would you say something about the dangers of drinking and driving, especially during the holidays?


Last year, our son was killed in an auto accident shortly after Christmas; his car was hit by a drunk driver. It's been hard, but would you say something about the dangers of drinking and driving, especially during the holidays? This really concerns us.


I’m grateful for your concern — and I certainly share it. Alcohol and driving simply don’t mix (nor do drugs and driving) — not just during the holidays, but at any time of the year. I strongly support every effort to keep drunk drivers off the road.

We have become so used to news reports about people dying in traffic accidents that we hardly think about it anymore — and yet few tragedies are greater than the one you and your husband have experienced. Sometimes accidents are simply that — accidents that no one could have foreseen or prevented. But often auto accidents could have been prevented if drivers hadn’t let themselves become distracted, or they had been more alert to potential dangers. The Bible’s “Golden Rule” applies to our driving just as much as any other area of our lives; Jesus said, “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you” (Matthew 7:12).

Let me encourage you to become involved in efforts in your community to combat drunk driving and encourage safety behind the wheel (particularly with young people). In addition, be an example to others by the way you drive.

May you also turn to God for the comfort and peace you need as you deal with this tragedy. Grief over the loss of a loved one doesn’t vanish quickly; it may fade, but it’s still with us. May you find strength from Jesus’ promise: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).