Won't God just laugh at me if I try to turn to Him now?


I've always had the attitude that it's best to just ignore things you can't do anything about, such as death. But now I can't ignore it, because I finally got up enough courage to go to the doctor for some pain I've been having, and he's given me six months to live. Won't God just laugh at me if I try to turn to Him now?


No, God won’t laugh at you, scorn you, or reject you if you turn to Him, even at this late date. The Bible’s words are true: “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love” (Psalm 103:8).

How do we know this? We know it because Jesus Christ gave His life for all kinds of people. He didn’t die just for good people, or young people who have the whole of their lives ahead of them, or people who might make a major impact on society. He died for every person who needs Him — and that includes you. In fact, if you had been the only person on earth who needed to be saved, He still would have died for you. God loves you that much!

Far too many people, I’m afraid, do exactly what you’ve done: they shut out life’s most important questions. But (as you’ve discovered) those questions can’t be kept away forever. Wouldn’t it have been better to face your need for God years ago, instead of leaving it until it’s almost too late?

My prayer is that you will turn to Christ for the forgiveness you need, and commit your life to Him. Then be assured that someday soon you will go to be with Him in heaven forever. Don’t delay, but put your faith and trust in Christ — for He alone gives us hope.