Why do you believe in heaven?


Why do you believe in heaven? I'd like to believe that this life isn't all there is, but I don't see any real evidence for it, and I've concluded it's just wishful thinking to believe there is life after death. But I'm willing to hear what you'll say.


I’m thankful you’re willing to look at the evidence for heaven, because once you realize that heaven is real, and that you can go there, it will literally change your life.

I believe in heaven for many reasons. One reason is because down inside each of us is a yearning for something beyond this life. This life is incomplete and imperfect, and we yearn for another life that won’t be this way. This yearning isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s a deep-seated conviction God put within us. The Bible says God “has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

I also believe in life after death and in heaven because of the promises of Christ. Jesus repeatedly taught that this life is not all, and He repeatedly promised that heaven is our inheritance if we know Him. He declared, “I am going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2).

Most of all, I believe in heaven because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. By His death on the cross He purchased our salvation—and by His resurrection from the dead He overcame the power of death and opened heaven’s door for us. Don’t live without hope any longer. Instead, by a simple prayer of faith give yourself to Christ, and discover the joy of knowing that someday you will go to be with Him in heaven forever.