Why didn't someone tell me how hard it is being a parent?


Why didn't someone tell me how hard it is being a parent? We have three children, and it seems like all I do all day long is try to keep them from fighting. Will it ever get any better?


I’m sure almost every parent could echo your frustration, for it’s hard being a parent—very hard. It’s not just exhausting physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. In fact, parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world.

But it also can be one of the most satisfying, if we learn to look beyond the immediate problems and heartaches and begin to see it from God’s point of view. After all, God gave your children to you, and He did it because He knows they need the love and wisdom only you can give them. The Bible says, “Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him” (Psalm 127:3).

In other words, God has given you one of the greatest privileges imaginable: the privilege of helping shape the future of another human being. Someday your children will no longer live with you—but what will their memories be? Will they only be of bickering or conflict—or will they also be of love and joy and happiness? Don’t let your frustrations or weariness crowd out your love.

Almost every parent goes through what you are experiencing, and you’re right: It isn’t easy. But pray for your children, and ask God to help you be the kind of parents they need at this stage of life. Most of all, point them to Jesus, and urge them to give their lives to Him. God not only wants us to help our children develop physically and emotionally, but spiritually as well.