Why didn't Jesus let people make Him a king?


Why didn't Jesus let people make Him a king? They obviously were expecting Him to become one, so why didn't He go ahead and let them do it? He could have had a powerful impact on the course of world history.


Tomorrow, millions of Christians all over the world will commemorate Palm Sunday — the day when Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem to begin His last days of public ministry.

Large crowds greeted Him, waving palm branches and welcoming Him with shouts of acclamation. No doubt, many of them hoped He’d become their king and lead a revolt against the Romans, who had occupied their nation. It wasn’t the first time people hoped He’d become a political leader; even His closest disciples expected it (see Mark 10:37).

But Jesus deliberately refused. On one occasion “Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself” (John 6:15). Even on Palm Sunday He rode into Jerusalem on a humble donkey instead of a majestic white horse, showing He had no intention of becoming an earthly king. His kingship was to be of a different order — as ruler of our lives.

Why did Jesus refuse to become a king? The reason is because He came into the world for an entirely different reason: to become the complete and final sacrifice for our sins. By His death and resurrection He opened heaven’s door for us — something He never could have done as an earthly monarch. Now He is a king of a different sort — the king of all creation. Have you opened your heart to Him, and is He the ruler of your life? If not, welcome Him into your life and commit yourself to Him today.