Why are children so cruel?


Why are children so cruel? Our son has some slight physical handicaps, and it's really hard for us to watch some of the children in his class make fun of him and call him nicknames that are hurtful. We've thought about saying something to his teachers, but we don't want to be complainers.


You shouldn’t hesitate to speak to his teachers about this; after all, your son’s welfare is at stake. They need to know what’s happening (which they probably don’t right now), and they should be grateful for your concern. Don’t take it to them as a complaint, however, but as something you felt they’d want to know.But I also hope you’ll talk with your son about this — not blowing it out of proportion, of course, but letting him know you love him and care about what’s happening to him. After all, one of our goals as parents is to prepare our children for adulthood — for the time when they’ll no longer be under our care and protection.

One way we do this is by helping them learn to deal with life’s bumps and bruises.In other words, some day your son will have to deal with things like this on his own — and the time for him to learn is now. Assure him that his physical limitations don’t make him any less valuable or important — either to you or to God.Most of all, urge him to commit his life to Christ, and to look to Him each day for the inner strength he needs. The Apostle Paul’s experience can become his: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).