Who do you think is behind the Internet — God or the devil?


Who do you think is behind the Internet -- God or the devil? I wonder about this sometimes, because it seems like there's so much trash (and even evil) on the Internet. I know I waste too much time looking at it when I should be doing something worthwhile.


God gave us the ability to create new things, and human beings have used that God-given ability to develop the Internet (as well as every other technological and scientific advance we enjoy today). Creativity is one of God’s greatest gifts to us — and also one of the most overlooked.

But the Internet is like virtually every other invention or scientific development: It can be used both for good and for evil. And behind the scenes, I’m sure Satan and his associates are working overtime, trying to find new ways to use it for evil. Sometimes his work is very open and obvious, using the Internet for pornography or other immoral purposes. Sometimes his work is less obvious, such as distracting us from God and His will.

But God is also using the Internet today — sometimes in remarkable ways. Our own organization has seen thousands of people commit their lives to Christ or grow in their faith through our website (billygraham.org). Evangelism by means of the Internet is even reaching parts of the world that are otherwise closed to the Gospel. Jesus’ words have taken on new significance: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world… and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14).

Don’t let anything — including the Internet — control your life or turn you away from God. Instead, ask God to help you be faithful to Christ, living “without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe” (Philippians 2:15).