Where is Jesus right now?


Where is Jesus right now? I assume He's in heaven, but I didn't grow up in a religious family and I know I have a lot to learn.


The Bible tells us that 40 days after Jesus’ resurrection, God took Him back to heaven. After commanding His disciples to preach the Gospel to the whole world, “he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight” (Acts 1:9).

Why did Jesus return to heaven? One reason was because His work on earth was finished. He had come for one reason: To make it possible for our sins to be forgiven, so we could be with Him in heaven forever. Only one thing will keep us out of heaven, and that is our sin. The reason is because God is absolutely pure and holy, and even one sin — just one — would be enough to banish us from His presence. But by His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead, Christ purchased our salvation and opened heaven’s door for us.

But Jesus also returned to heaven so He could intercede for us, praying for us and keeping us from Satan’s grip. Even now He sits at the right hand of God — the place of authority and influence — to work on our behalf. One of the Bible’s greatest promises declares, “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them” (Hebrews 7:25).

If you have never done so, confess to God your sins and your need for forgiveness, and ask Jesus Christ to come into your life. Then thank Him that you are now His child forever — and that some day you will go to be with Him forever.