Where did the Bible come from?


Where did the Bible come from? I know it's made up of a lot of different books, but who decided to put them together into one large book?


The Bible is actually like a library, because it’s a collection of books written by many people over hundreds of years. Once all the books were finished, they eventually were collected into one volume. Throughout this process, devout people recognized that God was speaking through those books — and this set them apart from all others.

But the real author of the Bible is God Himself. He spoke His message to people He chose to receive it, and they in turn put it into writing as they were led by the Holy Spirit. Their message wasn’t their own invention; it came from God. As the Bible says, “Prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).

Why did God give the Bible to us? The reason is because He loves us and wants us to know His will. Most of all, He gave it to us because He wants us to come to know Him in a personal way — and this is possible, as we give our lives to the One who is the center of the Bible’s message: Jesus Christ. Have you committed your life to Him?

Sadly, however, the Bible is something that many people respect — but never read. Don’t let this be true of you, but make the Bible part of your life every day. God wants to change your life — and He will, as you open your heart and mind to the truth of His Word, the Bible.