Whenever I think about God I immediately think of my grandmother, because she was a woman of great faith - the best I ever knew. In spite of her example, I've never thought about God much, but now for some reason I find myself wanting the kind of faith she had. Is it too late for me?
It’s never too late to turn to God, and the reason is because God loves you and wants you to come to know Him personally – just as your grandmother did.
The first step is to admit to God that you know you have ignored Him, and that you were wrong to do this. Then ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and make you part of His family forever – and He will. I don’t know what your life has been like up to this point – but God knows, and He wants to forgive the past and put your feet on a new path. The Bible’s promise is for you: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God” (2 Corinthians 5:17-18).
Then make it your goal to grow in your faith. Faith is like a plant in your garden, which needs to be weeded, and needs water and nutrients. Ask God to help you “weed” your soul by rooting out sin in your life. Nurture your faith through prayer and reading your Bible. Seek out a church where Christ is central, and where you can learn more about God’s will for you.
For the first time in your life God is giving you a desire for Himself. Don’t turn away from Him, but open your heart and life to Jesus Christ today.