When we get to heaven, will we know what's happening on earth? If so, how can we be happy? There's so much misery in the world that I'd think it would just make us sad.


When we get to heaven, will we know what's happening on earth? If so, how can we be happy? There's so much misery in the world that I'd think it would just make us sad.


The Bible doesn’t answer all our questions about heaven – and we don’t know exactly how much knowledge those in heaven have about what happens here. The Bible does say that “we are surrounded by … a great cloud of witnesses” (i.e., those who have already entered heaven) but it isn’t clear if this means they are able to observe our lives (Hebrews 12:1).

But what we do know about heaven is that we will be with God – and because of that, heaven is a place of supreme joy. The Bible says, “You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:11). And even if we do see something of what is happening on earth, we’ll see the whole picture then, and we’ll realize how it all fits in with God’s eternal plan. We’ll realize too that evil and death will be defeated, and Christ will be victorious. That will give us joy!

Heaven is the heritage of every believer – because Christ conquered death and Hell and Satan by His resurrection from the dead. Have you put your faith and trust in Him for your salvation? Make sure of your eternal destiny by turning to Christ in repentance and faith, and committing your life to Him.

Then ask God to use you to encourage others who are overwhelmed by life’s burdens. Yes, our world is full of misery – but God wants to use you to point others to Christ, who alone can give us hope and new life.