What kind of person is in the most danger spiritually?


A question came up in our small group Bible study the other day, and we couldn't agree on an answer. The question was this: What kind of person is in the most danger spiritually? What would you say?


The same day I received your letter I received another one from a man who said he had no use for God. He ended with this statement: “I’m content with my views.”

His letter saddened me, because he is exactly the kind of person who is in the most danger spiritually. He doesn’t see any need for God in his life and therefore has no interest in searching for God or turning to Him. He lives only for the moment, and gives no thought to eternity or to the fact that some day he must stand before God to give an account of his life. He feels no shame for his sin and no need for forgiveness–and nothing could be more dangerous spiritually.

Before we can truly come to Christ, we must first realize that we need Him. We must realize our need for forgiveness, and we must believe that His blood can cleanse us of all our sins–the blood He shed for us on the cross. The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Have you faced your own need of Christ? Even religious people may be self-satisfied and unaware that they need Him. Make sure of your commitment to Christ–and then ask God to help you point others to Him as well.