What is grace, in your view?


What is grace, in your view? I hear a lot about the grace of God, and amazing grace, and things like that, but I'm not sure I know exactly what it means.


God’s grace, quite simply, is God’s mercy and goodness toward us. Some have called it “God’s unmerited or undeserved favor”–and that is what it is: God’s mercy and goodness to us, even though we don’t deserve it.

If it weren’t for God’s grace, you and I wouldn’t be able to live for even one more minute. God’s grace sustains us every moment of the day, and without His grace we couldn’t even exist. We think we have control of our lives–but if it weren’t for God’s grace, we wouldn’t even be alive.

Why is this? The reason is because we deserve nothing but judgment and death. We have ignored God and turned our backs on Him and refused to live the way He wants us to–so why should He even bother with us? The Bible warns, “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31). And yet in spite of our sin and rebellion, God still loves us and sustains us by His grace. Don’t ever take His grace for granted!

But God’s grace is seen in a far greater way in Christ. We deserve to die for our sins–but in His grace, God sent His Son into the world to die in our place. Now in His grace He freely offers us the gift of salvation through faith in Christ. The Bible says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8). Have you received God’s gift of salvation by inviting Christ into your life? I pray you will do so today.