What if Jesus has returned and He's already living as a small boy in Africa or Asia someplace?


Like you, I believe that Jesus is going to return to earth some day. But how do you know He hasn't already come? Maybe He's already living as a small boy in Africa or Asia someplace, or something like that.


Just a few weeks ago, we celebrated Christmas, which commemorates Jesus’ birth in the little town of Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago. And when we celebrated it, we remembered how He was born in very humble circumstances: in a stable, with a feeding trough for a cradle. Almost no one paid any attention to His birth.

But Jesus’ second coming will be far different! Instead of being born in obscurity, He will come again with glory and power, accompanied by all the angels of Heaven. Jesus said, “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory” (Matthew 25:31). When He comes again, His true identity as the Son of God and the King of kings will be fully revealed.

Furthermore, the Bible teaches that when He comes the whole earth will behold Him—instantly and completely. The Bible says, “Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7). For those who have believed in Him it will be a glorious day—but for those who have refused to believe in Him, it will be a day of mourning. For them it will be too late.

Yes, someday Christ will return. We can barely imagine what it will be like, for it will be far more glorious than anything we can picture. But are you ready for that day? You can be, by giving your life to Christ and becoming His follower today.