What caused Judas to turn against Jesus and betray Him to the authorities? After all, he'd been with Jesus during His ministry and seen all His miracles and everything, hadn't he? It's never made sense to me.


What caused Judas to turn against Jesus and betray Him to the authorities? After all, he'd been with Jesus during His ministry and seen all His miracles and everything, hadn't he? It's never made sense to me.


No, what Judas did doesn’t make sense — but does it ever make sense for someone to choose evil over good? No, of course not, because evil always hurts and destroys us eventually — always. And yet people choose evil instead of good all the time.

The Bible suggests that one reason why Judas decided to betray Jesus for 30 silver coins may have been greed. Judas was the treasurer for Jesus’ little band of twelve disciples, and the Bible says he secretly stole some of the money that was given to support their ministry and appropriated it for his own use (see John 12:4-6). Judas, in other words, was only interested in himself, and his heart was cold toward anyone else — even Jesus.

Whatever his reasons, Judas opened himself to Satan’s influence, and once he decided to betray Jesus by telling the authorities where He could be found, the Bible says “Satan entered Judas” (Luke 22:3). Later, he bitterly regretted what he had done — but by then it was too late, and Judas ended up committing suicide.

Judas’ tragic life stands as a warning to each of us. The Bible says, “The way of the unfaithful is hard” — and there is no better illustration of this truth than Judas (Proverbs 13:15). If Judas had only committed himself to Jesus — not just outwardly but in his heart — his life would have been radically different. Don’t risk going down the same path he did, but by faith commit your life without reserve to Jesus Christ today.