What Billy Graham Is Most Thankful For


I know you've lived a long life, and as you look back, what are some of the things for which you're thankful? Is there anything you aren't particularly thankful for?


Thursday is Thanksgiving in the United States—and if I were to list all the things for which I’m thankful, I’d never have time to eat my turkey dinner! The Psalmist said, “I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips” (Psalm 34:1).

I’m thankful first of all for my family—my wife Ruth (who is now with the Lord), my five children and their families, my siblings (most of whom are now in Heaven), and many others who have blessed my life over the years. I’m grateful too for the many friends and co-workers God has given me. I hope this is true for you.

I’m thankful most of all for Jesus Christ, and for the privilege God has given me of telling others about His salvation. We live in a confused and chaotic world, and at times we might be tempted to give in to despair. But God loves us, and only Christ can transform our hearts and turn our despair into hope. Is He the foundation of your life? If not, make this a day of true thanksgiving, as you invite Christ to come into your life and save you.

No, I’m not thankful for the times I’ve failed Christ. But by His grace God has forgiven me, and I know that someday soon He will welcome me home—not because of anything I’ve done, but because of what Jesus Christ has done for me. Because of Him we have “the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time” (Titus 1:2).

Do you have the hope of eternal life?