We went to church on Easter, and the Bible reading included Pilate's question to Jesus, asking what truth is, but it sounded to me like Jesus didn't give him an answer.


We went to church on Easter, and the Bible reading included Pilate's question to Jesus, asking what truth is, but it sounded to me like Jesus didn't give him an answer. Was Jesus still searching for the truth, just like Pilate was?


No, Jesus wasn’t searching for the truth — and neither was Pilate, the Roman governor. In fact, Pilate apparently didn’t even wait for an answer, but cynically turned his back on Jesus and went out to speak to the crowds (see John 18:38).

But Jesus didn’t claim to have searched for the truth about God. Instead, He made a claim that was far more startling: He actually claimed to be the truth, sent from heaven to reveal God’s truth to us. He boldly declared, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). And some turned against Him because of this, for only God could make such a statement — and by making it, Jesus was claiming to be God. He proved it by His resurrection from the dead.

Are you searching for the truth about God? Or have you — like Pilate — decided the search is hopeless? But it isn’t hopeless — because God loves us and wants us to come to know Him. And we can, as we turn to Jesus Christ and open our hearts and lives to Him. God’s promise is for you: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

Pilate is surely one of the most tragic figures in the Bible — and in all history. He had the opportunity to discover the truth — but he turned his back on it. Don’t let this happen to you, but turn to Christ in repentance and faith today.