We must change before the world's problems can ever be solved


What would you say is the biggest problem our nation needs to solve today? I think it's drugs (especially now that pot is being legalized in so many places), but my husband thinks it's the economy. What would you say?


One of the things I’ve learned over the years is that we’re never free of problems, no matter how hard we try. Some are more serious than others, and some may be solved eventually (at least temporarily), but even then, new ones keep cropping up. The Bible says, “Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7).

Don’t misunderstand me, however. Both problems you mention are serious, and we ought to do everything we can to overcome them. Problems like this not only hurt society but can destroy individuals — and that’s why they aren’t just social or political problems, but moral and spiritual ones as well. That’s one reason why the Bible tells us to pray for our leaders, including those who make our laws and those who enforce them. We also should seek ways to help hurting people in our local communities (often through our churches). The Bible says, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people” (Galatians 6:10).

But why do we have so many problems — not just as a nation, but as individuals? On the surface every problem has its own cause — but on a deeper level, the real problem is within our own hearts and minds. Think how much better the world would be if everyone was content and at peace in their hearts!

This is why we need Christ. Only He can calm the restlessness in our hearts, and only He can take away our selfishness and replace it with His love and compassion. Has this happened to you?

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