We moved last year and are attending a new church, but I'm afraid the pastor has turned us off because he talks about money so much. I know they have a lot of debt on their building and need money, but shouldn't he stop focusing on this so much? Or should we just change churches?


We moved last year and are attending a new church, but I'm afraid the pastor has turned us off because he talks about money so much. I know they have a lot of debt on their building and need money, but shouldn't he stop focusing on this so much? Or should we just change churches?


I don’t know your church’s full situation, of course, but have you shared your concern with your pastor, or with some of the leaders in the church? I encourage you to do so – not with a negative attitude, but out of a desire to help.

After all, your pastor is obviously concerned about the church’s finances (especially in this economy) and I’m sure they are a burden to him. In his mind, therefore, it probably makes sense for him to bring these needs before the congregation on a regular basis. After all, if they don’t realize the needs, they probably won’t feel any particular urgency to give.

But he may not realize how often he’s doing this, or how it’s being perceived by you and others in the congregation. I have found that constantly badgering people for money seldom makes them more generous – nor should it. The Bible says, “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

The heart of our message is Christ, and nothing should divert us from Him. Thank your pastor when he preaches from the Bible, and pray for him. In addition, seek other opportunities in your church to grow closer to Christ, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3).