We had a series in Sunday School on great men and women of the Bible, and I'm discouraged because I know I'll never be able to serve God the way these people did.


We've just had a series in Sunday School on great men and women of the Bible, and I've come away from it with mixed feelings. On one hand, I found the series inspiring, but it's also been very discouraging because I know I'll never be able to serve God the way these people did.


I’m thankful you’ve had this opportunity to study some of the great men and women of the Bible for they have much to teach us (even if they did live many centuries ago). The Bible says, “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us” (1 Corinthians 10:11).

But don’t be discouraged—because one of the greatest truths we learn from their lives is that God uses imperfect people! Yes, the Bible includes many great men and women in its pages—but even the best of them weren’t perfect. God greatly used the Apostle Paul to spread the Gospel, and yet in the midst of some of his greatest work he wrote, “Not that I … have already been made perfect, but I press on” (Philippians 3:12).

Some, in fact, went through grave periods of rebellion or doubt—men like Moses or David or Jeremiah. And yet God still used them—and He can use you, as well. Make sure of your commitment to Christ, then ask Him to use you in whatever ways He opens for you.

Never forget: We are not alone when we do God’s work. He has already gone before us to prepare the way and He also has given us His Holy Spirit to help us. Ask God to show you how He wants you to serve Him, and then trust Him to use you for His glory as you step out in faith.