Two months ago I met someone on an airplane who told me about Jesus, and I asked Him to come into my life.


I didn't grow up in a religious family and never thought much about God, but two months ago I met someone on an airplane who told me about Jesus, and I asked Him to come into my life. How do I go about finding a church? I guess that's the next step, isn't it?


I’m thankful you have given your life to Jesus, because He alone gives us hope in the midst of life’s confusion — hope for today, and hope for eternity. I’m thankful also for the person who told you about Jesus; every believer should seek to share Christ with others.

Yes, it’s important for you to get into the church where you can learn more about what it means to follow Christ. As Christians we aren’t just individual believers; we also are members of a family — the family of God. When we come to Christ, the Bible says, we become “fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household” (Ephesians 2:19). We need other believers to encourage and help us — and they need us.

Ask God to help you find a church where you won’t only feel comfortable, but you’ll grow in your relationship to Christ. Seek one where the Bible is central, and Christ is preached and taught. Don’t judge a church only by its main worship service, but by the other opportunities it gives you to learn about Christ (such as Bible classes and studies).

Remember, too, that Christ isn’t with you just once a week; He is with you every day. Read your Bible daily (even if it’s only a few verses at first), and commit every problem to God in prayer. In addition, ask God to help you share the good news of Jesus with others — including your family.