To be honest I dread going to work every day.


To be honest I dread going to work every day. I don't exactly hate my job, and I guess I ought to be grateful I even have one, but I wish I could overcome my bad attitude. So does my wife; she's tired of hearing me complain. Any ideas?


Today people throughout the United States celebrate Labor Day, which commemorates the contributions workers have made (and continue to make) to our society. It should remind us of the dignity and importance of work, and that our nation’s greatness has come about (with God’s blessing) because of its workers.

How can you have a different attitude about your job? First, see it as a gift from God. I know this may seem difficult, but God gave your work to you, and it’s an important part of the life He’s given you. It may not be exactly the way you wish it were; at times it even may seem boring. But God has given you the ability to work — and He’s also given you the opportunity to work. Thank Him for it, and ask Him to help you see it as an important part of His plan for your life.

Then, see your work as a responsibility from God. Do it, therefore, with diligence and to the best of your ability — not only to please your boss, but to please God. Put Christ first in your life and in your work.

Remember that for most of His earthly life, Jesus worked as a carpenter. What kind of cupboards do you suppose He made? Shoddy ones with crooked doors? No, of course not. The Bible says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” (Colossians 3:23).