Thinking Positive Thoughts Will Never Banish Evil


A friend of mine says there's no such thing as evil, and if we encounter something that we think is evil, all we have to do is to think positive thoughts and it will go away. Is she right?


No, your friend is not right. Evil is real; it isn’t simply a failure on our part to think positive thoughts. Evil is so real and so terrible that it took the death of Jesus Christ on the cross to overcome it.

Where does evil come from? The Bible admittedly doesn’t answer all our questions about evil, but it does tell us that evil comes ultimately from Satan, who is absolutely evil and opposed to everything good, including God. And while Satan isn’t equal to God, he’s a powerful spiritual being who seeks by every means possible to block what God is doing. Jesus called him “a murderer from the beginning…. and the father of lies” (John 8:44).

One of Satan’s biggest lies is to convince people that he doesn’t even exist, and that evil isn’t real. But if evil isn’t real, why did Jesus Christ come into the world? Jesus didn’t come to teach us how to think positive thoughts. He came to give His life as the final sacrifice for sin, and by His resurrection He conquered evil and Satan and hell. Someday, His victory will be complete, and Satan and evil will be banished forever. The Bible says, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” (1 John 3:8).

Don’t let your friend mislead you, but turn to Christ and put your life and your eternal destiny into His hands. Then pray for your friend, that she too may face her need for Christ’s forgiveness and protection.