There are many ways to learn the truths of the Bible


I know you tell people they ought to read the Bible, but I have a serious reading disability and have never been much of a reader. I just can't get into it. Is this a sin?


God knows all about us, including both what we can do and what we can’t do — and He doesn’t look down on you because you have difficulty reading. After all, millions of people across the world have never had an opportunity to learn to read or hold a Bible in their hands, and God understands their situation.

But God has provided other ways for you to learn what the Bible says, and I hope you’ll take advantage of them (if you aren’t already doing so). For example, when you go to church, you’ll hear someone read the Bible, and hopefully your pastor will base his sermon on the Bible. Pay close attention, and even jot down the main points you hear. Your local Christian radio station also may include programs with gifted Bible teachers who can help you understand the Bible’s message more fully.

Why is the Bible important? The reason is because it is God’s Word — and He gave it to us so we could learn about Him and discover what He has done for us in Jesus Christ. He also gave it to us so we’ll know how He wants us to live. Can you think of anything more important?

Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ. Then ask Him to help you grow in your faith — and you will, as you put Christ first and learn more of the truths He’s given us in the Bible. Don’t stand still in your faith, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

Watch a classic Billy Graham sermon