Seek Out Others Who've Experienced Divorce for Help and Support


Why didn't someone tell me how hard it is to be a single mother? I thought getting a divorce would be the answer to all my problems, but I was wrong. Life sure hasn't turned out the way I hoped it would.


Thank you for your honesty; perhaps your e-mail will encourage someone who’s thinking about divorce to stop and reconsider their decision. The Bible says, “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways” (Proverbs 14:8).

All too often, I’m afraid, divorce today is presented as something easy and pain-free, but this is seldom the case. At best, divorce leaves shattered dreams and heartache in its wake; at its worst, it causes guilt, financial chaos, despair, feelings of rejection and worthlessness, and more. God gave marriage to us, and it was not His plan for it to be casual or impermanent. God also knows the pain divorce causes us.

In spite of what’s happened to you, however, I want to assure you that God knows what you’re going through, and He still loves you and wants to help you. This is why I urge you to turn to Jesus Christ and give your life (and your future) to Him. He wants to forgive the past and give you hope for the future — and He will, as you turn in faith to Christ.

In addition, ask God to lead you to a church where you’ll grow spiritually, as well as find others who’ve gone through a similar experience. They can not only encourage you, but also help you find practical ways to deal with some of the problems you face. God’s promise is for you: “I know the plans I have for you… plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

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