People talk about having God's peace in their hearts, but does this mean that if you're a real Christian you'll never worry about anything?


People talk about having God's peace in their hearts, but does this mean that if you're a real Christian you'll never worry about anything? I must not be a very good Christian then, because I can't help but worry about everything.


When we turn in faith to Christ and trust Him alone for our salvation, something incredible happens: we now have peace with God. The warfare between us and God is over! The Bible says, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).

But does this mean we’ll never again worry or be anxious about anything? It ought to — but in reality it doesn’t, as we all know. We’re still human, and because we don’t know what the future holds, worry — like an unfriendly dog — keeps nipping away at us. But this doesn’t mean God has abandoned us, or that we no longer belong to Him. We are still His children if we know Christ, and nothing can ever change that.

But God doesn’t want us to be slaves to our worries! Instead, He wants us to have peace in our hearts — and this is possible as we learn to trust the future into His hands. We don’t know the future — but God does. And when we trust Him for the future, His peace becomes a reality in our hearts. The Bible says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

Thank God for His love for you every day, for His love never changes. But thank Him most of all that no matter what happens you don’t need to fear the future, because you are safely in His hands forever.