Our church just had a missions conference, but isn't the day of foreign missions finished?


Our church just had a missions conference, but isn't the day of foreign missions finished? Most countries now have their own churches, and anyway almost everyone can hear the story of Jesus over radio or the Internet. Why do we still need missionaries?


Recently, someone called my attention to an address by a Christian leader from a country which has very few Christians. He had one main message: We still need missionaries to come to our nation.

Remember, Jesus’ command to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth has never been withdrawn — nor will it be until He comes again. His final words to His disciples were absolutely clear: “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mark 16:15). Billions of people today are lost in a maze of spiritual confusion and darkness, and they need the life-changing message of Christ. More than that, they need hope — hope for this life, and hope for the life to come. How can we remain silent?

Missionaries today carry out Christ’s command in many ways, not only by preaching the Gospel but by demonstrating Christ’s love and compassion to those in need (something the Internet can never replace). Jesus said we serve Him even when we give “a cup of cold water to one of these little ones” (Matthew 10:42). My son Franklin’s Christian humanitarian aid ministry, Samaritan’s Purse, works in over 100 countries to bring relief and assistance to people whose lives have been torn apart by disaster or turmoil.

Pray for your church’s missionaries, and support them generously (especially during these difficult economic times). More than that, pray that God will raise up a new generation of young people who will respond to His call to bring Christ to the nations.