Our 7-year-old son asked us to ask you this question: Do you think there's intelligent life on other planets? Does the Bible say anything about this? Our son is very curious about things like this.


Our 7-year-old son asked us to ask you this question: Do you think there's intelligent life on other planets? Does the Bible say anything about this? Our son is very curious about things like this.


The Bible doesn’t say anything about life on other planets; its focus is on this planet and its need for God. There well may be life on other planets – but the Bible simply doesn’t say one way or the other.

What the Bible does say about the universe, however, is very important – and I hope you’ll teach it to your son. It’s found in the very first verse of the Bible, which tells us that everything in the universe was made by God: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The galaxies and the stars and the planets didn’t happen by accident; they came into existence because God made them.

And the same is true of all life – including us. We are here because God put us here – and He put us here so we could know Him and serve Him. God loves us – and the proof is Jesus Christ, who came down from Heaven to save us. The Bible says,

“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins” (1 John 4:10).

Be thankful for your son’s curiosity – and ask God to help you use it to point him to Jesus. (Many parents find a children’s Bible story book helpful for this; your local Christian bookstore can suggest several.) Make sure most of all of your own commitment to Christ; the greatest gift you can give your son is your example of a strong and vibrant faith.