Only God Can Help You Find Your Way


About a year ago I left the military after two tours of active duty. I feel so useless now. I can't find a job, I'm getting more and more depressed, and sometimes I wonder if I have any future. My wife says I need God. Would He help me?


Thank you for your service on behalf of our country and the cause of freedom. More than ever, we need to pray for our world’s leaders as they seek to combat those who would destroy us.

The most important thing I can tell you is that God loves you and cares about you, and you are not useless to Him. In fact, you are very important to Him (as well as your family), and He has a future for you. He has preserved your life in the past, and He will be with you in the future. We are never alone when we know Christ.

I suspect you’ve been an independent, self-reliant person most of your life, and it may be hard for you to admit you need God. But you do—and the most important step you can take is to turn to Christ and commit your life to Him. He gave His life for you; now give your life to Him.

Then ask Him to guide you. Perhaps He wants you to learn new skills, or sharpen skills you already have. Don’t give up seeking a job; look too for volunteer opportunities in your community. Ask Him also to help you be the best husband and father you can be. God’s promise is for you: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Have you surrendered every area of your life to God?