Only Christ Will Never Fail or Forsake Us


I've become very disillusioned recently because it seems like almost everyone I've looked up to has turned out to be two-faced or corrupt—celebrities, sports figures, politicians, you name it. Can anyone be trusted today?


This is, I’m afraid, a vivid sign of the moral and spiritual decline we see all around us today. When we turn our backs on God, even those we ought to be able to trust often turn out to be immoral or corrupt. The Bible warns of a time when “people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive … without self-control” (2 Timothy 3:2-3). Doesn’t this describe today’s world?

Not every public figure is like this, of course, and we ought to be thankful for those who have integrity, and are role models for our youth. We also ought to pray for all those who are in the public eye, that they may realize their responsibility and seek to live moral and honest lives. I believe this is especially important as we look forward to the coming election year.

But only one person is worthy of our complete trust, and that is Jesus Christ. Others may fail us, but He never will, because He can never lie or lead us astray. He alone is the solid foundation on which we can build our lives, and He alone will never forsake us. The Bible says, “Do not put your trust in princes. … Blessed are those … whose hope is in the Lord their God” (Psalm 146:3,5).

Is your faith and trust in Jesus Christ? By a simple prayer of faith invite Him to come into your heart and mind, and commit your life and your future into His hands. As the Bible says, “He remains faithful forever” (Psalm 146:6).

You can trust Christ with your life today.