Only Christ can transform us from within


Why is there so much violence in the world today? You'd think terrorists and people like that would realize violence only makes things worse, but they never do. What's wrong with them? Don't most people want to live in peace?


You’re right; if a vote were taken across the world today almost everyone would say they want peace — yet everywhere we look we see hatred and conflict and war. Our times are almost like those of Isaiah’s day: “the envoys of peace weep bitterly” (Isaiah 33:7).

Why is there so much violence in the world today, not just among nations, but also in our communities and schools and even our homes? We could list many reasons: economic inequality, injustice, greed, racial conflict and so forth. These are certainly real, and we have a responsibility to do everything we can to combat them. The Bible reminds us that “The Lord loves righteousness and justice” (Psalm 33:5).

Our real problem, however, is far deeper than this — within our own hearts and minds. Have you ever thought about how peaceful our world would be if we truly loved others the way we should, and weren’t driven instead by selfishness and pride and anger? Jesus said, “For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that…. All these evils come” (Mark 7:21,23).

This is why we need Christ, for only He can change our hearts and transform us into the people God wants us to be. Have you committed your life to Him? Then pray for our world and its leaders, and pray too that God will restrain the forces of evil. Someday, Christ will come again and all evil will be destroyed, but in the meantime, make it your goal to live for Him.

Find peace with God today.