One man told me they need someone with my business skills on the governing board of our church, but is this a good enough reason for me to run?


Some people in my church want to nominate me to run for our governing board. But to be truthful I'm not a very committed church member, and I'm not sure I ought to have that kind of responsibility. One man told me they need my business skills, but is this a good enough reason for me to run?


No, in my view it is not a sufficient reason. I’m grateful for the wise counsel I’ve received over the years from able business people who helped keep our ministry on a sound financial footing. But they weren’t only skilled in business; they also had a deep commitment to Christ, and this gave them a spiritual outlook on our work that was (and is) invaluable.

The Bible is clear: God’s work requires godly leadership. When that is lacking, the work of God inevitably loses its cutting edge, and God’s people become preoccupied with things that have no eternal significance. They no longer have a burden for those who are lost and separated from God, and they lose sight of the Bible’s mandate to “pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Timothy 2:22).

My prayer is that this situation will cause you to examine your own life and your own relationship to Christ. Why are you so lukewarm toward God’s work? Could it be that you’ve never made your own personal commitment to Christ? If so, I urge you to turn to Him and ask Him to come into your life without delay.

Then ask God to give you a desire to know Him and serve Him. Don’t be satisfied with a casual “faith” that isn’t really faith at all, but make Christ the center of your life–starting today.