Nature cannot teach you everything about God


I think I can feel God's presence just as much taking a hike in the woods or playing golf as I can going to church -- or more so. Why should I bother with church? I've never found church very interesting anyway, to be honest.


No matter where we are, we certainly can sense God’s presence and be impressed by the beauty of His creation, if our hearts are right. The Psalmist declared, “The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it” (Psalm 89:11).

But if nature is our only teacher (so to speak), we’ll never learn everything we need to know, and everything God wants to teach us. For example, we’ll never learn why God put us here, or how He wants us to live. Nor will we learn what God has planned for us after we die. Most of all, we’ll never learn how our sins can be forgiven, and how our lives can be set free from sin’s power. Can you think of anything more important than discovering the answers to these questions?

Only God can answer these, and He has done this by revealing them to us in His Word, the Bible. And that’s one reason why it’s important to be part of a church where God’s Word is taught and lived. There you’ll hear God’s Word and discover its meaning for your daily life. The Psalmist said, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105).

I suspect your real problem, however, is that you have never honestly faced your own need for Christ. God loves you; He loves you so much that Jesus Christ gave His life for you. Invite Him into your life today.

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